Available Libraries

· (letloop argon2) · (letloop assembly) · (letloop blake3) · (letloop byter) · (letloop byter) · (letloop bytevector) · (letloop cairo) · (letloop commonmark) · (letloop dxdb eavt) · (letloop dxdb nstore) · (letloop dxdb) · (letloop epoll) · (letloop flow) · (letloop gamma) · (letloop hook) · (letloop html) · (letloop http) · (letloop json) · (letloop lsm1) · (letloop match) · (letloop okvs) · (letloop r999) · (letloop seed) · (letloop sqlite3) · (letloop sxpath) · (letloop termbox2) · (letloop unknown) · (letloop www) · (scheme base) · (scheme bitwise) · (scheme box) · (scheme bytevector) · (scheme case-lambda) · (scheme char) · (scheme charset) · (scheme comparator) · (scheme complex) · (scheme cxr) · (scheme division) · (scheme eval) · (scheme file) · (scheme fixnum) · (scheme generator) · (scheme hash-table) · (scheme ideque) · (scheme ilist) · (scheme inexact) · (scheme lazy) · (scheme list-queue) · (scheme load) · (scheme lseq) · (scheme mapping hash) · (scheme mapping) · (scheme process-context) · (scheme r5rs) · (scheme read) · (scheme repl) · (scheme rlist) · (scheme set) · (scheme stream) · (scheme time) · (scheme write) · (srfi srfi-1) · (srfi srfi-1) · (srfi srfi-2) · (srfi srfi-4) · (srfi srfi-5) · (srfi srfi-6) · (srfi srfi-8) · (srfi srfi-9) · (srfi srfi-11) · (srfi srfi-13) · (srfi srfi-14) · (srfi srfi-16) · (srfi srfi-17) · (srfi srfi-19) · (srfi srfi-23) · (srfi srfi-26) · (srfi srfi-28) · (srfi srfi-29) · (srfi srfi-31) · (srfi srfi-34) · (srfi srfi-35) · (srfi srfi-37) · (srfi srfi-37) · (srfi srfi-39) · (srfi srfi-41) · (srfi srfi-42) · (srfi srfi-43) · (srfi srfi-45) · (srfi srfi-48) · (srfi srfi-51) · (srfi srfi-60) · (srfi srfi-61) · (srfi srfi-67) · (srfi srfi-69) · (srfi srfi-98) · (srfi srfi-99) · (srfi srfi-101) · (srfi srfi-111) · (srfi srfi-113) · (srfi srfi-115) · (srfi srfi-116) · (srfi srfi-117) · (srfi srfi-125) · (srfi srfi-127) · (srfi srfi-128) · (srfi srfi-134) · (srfi srfi-141) · (srfi srfi-143) · (srfi srfi-145) · (srfi srfi-146) · (srfi srfi-146) · (srfi srfi-151) · (srfi srfi-158) · (srfi srfi-167) · (srfi srfi-173) · (srfi srfi-224) ·



  letloop benchmark LIBRARY [THUNK [N]]
  letloop check [--fail-fast] LIBRARY ...
  letloop compile PROGRAM.SCM
  letloop exec PROGRAM.SCM [ -- ARGUMENT ...]
  letloop literally LIBRARY.MD
  letloop repl

The following flags are available:

  --dev Generate allocation, and instruction counts, debug on
        exception, and dump profile information.

  --optimize-level=0-3 Configure optimization level, higher is less
                       safe, but faster

Binary Installation

  1. Download the latest release for your favorite Linux distribution

  2. Install system dependencies:

    • alpine:

      apk add python3 build-base git lz4-dev libuuid util-linux-dev zlib-dev
    • arch:

      pacman -Sy --noconfirm python3 base-devel git lz4 util-linux-libs zlib
    • fedora:

      yum group install -y "C Development Tools and Libraries" && yum install -y git lz4-devel libuuid-devel zlib-devel python3
    • redhat:

      yum group install -y "Development Tools" && yum install -y git lz4-devel libuuid-devel zlib-devel python3
    • ubuntu:

      apt install build-essential uuid-dev liblz4-dev zlib1g-dev python3
  3. Enjoy all around best scheme

  4. Star the project

letloop benchmark LIBRARY.SCM THUNK [N]

Display average nanoseconds spent running THUNK from LIBRARY.SCM. Spent time is averaged over N times. The default value of N is 10.

letloop check [--fail-fast] LIBRARY

Discover libraries, and execute their checks with code coverage.

A procedure check must be a thunk exported by a library, with a procedure name that starts with ~check, such as ~check-000-earth-is-not-flat:

(library (earth)
  (export ~check-000-earth-is-not-flat)
  (import (chezscheme))

  (define ~check-000-earth-is-not-flat (lambda () (assert #t))))

You can check one library with the following invokation:

#;sh> letloop check $(pwd) srfi-167.scm

You can add directories to the library path as argument, e.g. in the above line the current directory was added with the shell device $(pwd).

If no library is provided as command line argument, loop check will fallback to discovery based on directories, and will look for all libraries, for all available checks, and execute them.

Use the flag --fail-fast to exit as soon as there is a failure.

If PROGRAM.SCM exit successfully, exit code is zero, an html profile of the execution will be generated in /tmp.

letloop compile PROGRAM.SCM

Compile into a binary the file PROGRAM.SCM, and produce an executable named a.out.

You can adjust optimization with the --optimize-level=n where n can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Higher is harder to debug, unsafe, but faster.

letloop exec PROGRAM.SCM

Execute PROGRAM.SCM; argument to PROGRAM.SCM must come avec two dashes -- like:

letloop exec --dev hello.scm -- --french --date=now Amir

The flag --dev is an argument of letloop exec. Arguments of hello.scm are --french, --date=now and Amir.

When the flag --dev is provided PROGRAM.SCM will be executed in “development mode” with the following Chez parameters set:

(generate-allocation-counts active?)
(generate-covin-files active?)
(generate-inspector-information active?)
(generate-instruction-counts active?)
(generate-interrupt-trap active?)
(generate-procedure-source-information active?)
(generate-profile-forms active?)
(debug-on-exception active?)

Also, if PROGRAM.SCM exit successfully, exit code is zero, an html profile of the execution will be generated in /tmp.

You can adjust optimization with the --optimize-level=n where n can be 0, 1, 2, or 3. Higher is harder to debug, unsafe, but faster.

letloop repl

Basic Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL). The use of a readline tool similar to rlwrap may be necessary.

turtle bites a strawberry
